It doesn't really matter whether you are physically right next to me or halfway across the globe in order to receive effective healing, therapy and coaching (refer to the idea of nonlocality in quantum theory which Albert Einstein called "spooky actions at a distance").

Long distance healing includes psychic surgery, energetic healing, therapy and coaching and holistically addresses the mind-body-spirit connection.

As you probably already know, energy moves by "focused intent" and we are all interconnected similarly to the cells of our bodies which are interconnected and which communicate with each other. Once the work is thoroughly done on the energetic body, the physical body soon follows and readopts its natural state of wellness.

I also collaborate with medical doctors (to broaden the view of the causes and cures of a disease, to access more information and to directly enhance the patients self-healing abilities) and with other healers and guides when necessary to increase the effectiveness of the holistic healing.

Obviously, a dis-ease is trying to convey a message, to teach us to remember who we really are and is a blessing in disguise according to the path our soul has chosen to take.

In friendship,


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